STEM Robotic
STEM Robotic

STEM Robotics Coding

A Key to Our Social Impact Program

STEM Robotic
Through our proprietary STEMinMe program, we aim to elevate STEM, Robotics and Coding knowledge especially for students from underserved communities. Innovation is vital for improving life and gaining the right knowledge is fundametal.
STEM education integrates science, technology, engineering and mathematics into an applied, real-world learning approach. Similarly, robotics combines computer science and engineering to create a cohesive learning paradigm.
Melalui program STEMinME, kami komited untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dalam STEM, Robotik dan Coding khususnya untuk pelajar dari komuniti yang kurang bernasib baik. Inovasi amat penting untuk kehidupan yang lebih baik dan memiliki pengetahuan asas yang betul.
Pendidikan STEM menggabungkan sains, teknologi, kejuruteraan dan matematik dalam pembelajaran berasaskan dunia nyata. Robotik pula menyatukan sains komputer dan kejuruteraan untuk mewujudkan pengalaman pembelajaran yang menyeluruh.
STEM Robotic
STEM Robotic
STEM Robotic
STEM Robotic
  • A proprietary Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Robotics education programme developed in Malaysia

    A proprietary Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Robotics education programme developed in Malaysia

  • The FIRST STEM Robotics education programme that instils “Green” sustainable lifestyle awareness to the future generation

    The FIRST STEM Robotics education programme that instils “Green” sustainable lifestyle awareness to the future generation

  • STEM Robotics education programme that exhibits STEM and robotic essence exist in everyday life

    STEM Robotics education programme that exhibits STEM and robotic essence exist in everyday life

  • Affordable STEM Robotics education programme that will fit children of all families and schools background

    Affordable STEM Robotics education programme that will fit children of all families and schools background

  • STEM Robotics education programme curated for pre school children to young adults and tailored to suit society needs and interest

    STEM Robotics education programme curated for pre school children to young adults and tailored to suit society needs and interest

  • Full fledge engineering exposure embedded STEM Robotics education programme delivered by experienced Engineers

    Full fledge engineering exposure embedded STEM Robotics education programme delivered by experienced Engineers

  • The FIRST STEM Robotics education programme to implement Bahasa Melayu option in the programming solution

    The FIRST STEM Robotics education programme to implement Bahasa Melayu option in the programming solution

  • STEM Robotics education programme that will undergo continuous updates and improvements through R&D

    STEM Robotics education programme that will undergo continuous updates and improvements through R&D

STEM in Me Courses



Junior Course introduces children STEM Robotics fundamentals. Child-friendly kits, gamified lessons and engaging delivery methods ensure an enjoyable learning experience.

Kursus Junior ini akan memperkenalkan asas-asas kelas robotik. Robotik kit ini sesuai untuk digunakan kanak-kanak, pembelajaran berasaskan permainan dan kaedah pengajaran yang menarik memastikan pengalaman belajar yang menyeronokkan.



Rookie Course is designed for children with a keen interest in Robotics Coding. Using Lego-compatible blocks, Arduino-based modules and drag-and-drop coding, children build prototypes without messy wiring or soldering.

Kursus Rookie direka untuk kanak-kanak yang berminat dengan coding robotik. Menggunakan blok lego, modul berasaskan Arduino dan coding drag-and-drop membolehkan kanak-kanak membina prototaip tanpa perlu menyambung wayar atau solder.       



Advance Course challenges students to prototype solutions for real-world problems. Participants learn advanced skills with Arduino and Raspberry Pi kits, coupled with both graphical and text-based coding for competitive projects.

Kursus Advance mencabar pelajar untuk mencipta penyelesaian bagi permasalahan dunia nyata. Peserta akan mempelajari kemahiran menggunakan kit Arduino dan Raspberry Pi serta coding grafik dan teks untuk projek.



Expert course provides students to demonstrate multidisciplinary technical skills in mechanics, electronics, and coding. They design, develop, and test “real-size” prototypes and proudly pitch their solutions to a broader audience.

Kursus Expert memberi peluang kepada pelajar untuk mempamerkan kemahiran teknikal dalam mekanik, elektronik dan coding. Mereka akan mereka bentuk, mencipta dan menguji prototaip bersaiz sebenar serta mempersembahkan penyelesaian mereka kepada umum.

Start Your Adventure!

STEM Robotic
Our STEM Robotics programmes have reached out to hundreds of students across Malaysia.
Program Kelas Robotik STEM telah memberi manfaat kepada ratusan pelajar di seluruh Malaysia.
STEM Robotic
We offer more than 500 hours worth of modules from various courses for you to pick. 
Kami menawarkan lebih daripada 500 jam modul pembelajaran daripada pelbagai kursus.
STEM Robotic
We have coached many students to be successful in many states and national level innovation, robotic and drone competitions.
Kami juga telah melatih ramai pelajar untuk berjaya dalam pertandingan inovasi, robotik dan dron di peringkat negeri serta kebangsaan.
STEM Robotic
Our proprietary knowledge path will ensure your knowledge development are in synchronize with the need of future technology.
Kami akan memastikan perkembangan pengetahuan pelajar akan diselaraskan dengan keperluan teknologi masa hadapan.

STEM Education Kit

Robotic Kit

STEM Robotic

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9 months ago

STEM in Me
MYRC 2024 - Bengkel bersemuka #4 di Sektor Sumber Teknologi Pendidikan Negeri Selangor Tinggi semangat dan pengorbanan (wang ringgit) guru-guru Selangor untuk mendapatkan kit MCT yang original. Maka kami pun penuh semangat untuk berkongsi ilmu. Semoga dapat berjumpa team Selangor di MRYC (FINAL!!)#beliyangori #mikrobotik#rekaedukit #MYRC #myrc2024#dasarpendidikandigital ... See MoreSee Less
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9 months ago

STEM in Me
SELAMAT HARI GURUkepada semua warga pendidik. Semoga anda diberi kesihatan yang baik untuk terus berbakti (jariah). Semoga urusan anda sentiasa dipermudahkan dengan rezeki yang luas. ... See MoreSee Less
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Don’t miss out!

With STEMinMe, children’s knowledge development will be in harmony with technical skills for their future jobs. Concurrently they can gain cognitive-related benefits, such as problem-solving, analytical & creative thinking, leadership skills and teamwork.

Explore More about Robotics, IOT and Coding for Education.

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Providing solution to the industry, developing the current workface and nurturing future generations.

Our Location

5-5 Pusat Dagangan Shah Alam, Persiaran Damai, Seksyen 11 Shah Alam

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+601156679263 (Ir. Amir Hussein Bin Jaafar)

+601157549456 (Zulhailmy Bin Mohd Yatim)

© Micro Concept Tech – Engineering for life 2021

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