STEMinME Programmes
“STEM In Me” is the concept of lifelong learning Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) as well as Robotics. Our education modules are project and experiential based learning where children will experienced real-world applications and advanced future technologies.
Program Robotik dan Coding memperkenalkan konsep pembelajaran hayat dalam bidang Sains, Teknologi, Kejuruteraan dan Matematik (STEM) serta Robotik. Modul pembelajaran kami berasaskan projek dan pengalaman praktikal di mana kanak-kanak mempelajari aplikasi dunia sebenar dan teknologi masa depan yang canggih.
STEMinME Programmes
We design and develop our own STEM, robotic and innovation teaching modules for all age groups. It is our aim to ensure these STEM Robotics education is reachable and affordable for all family backgrounds.
“STEM In Me” is the concept of lifelong learning Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) as well as Robotics. Our education modules are project and experiential based learning where children will experienced real-world applications and advanced future technologies.
We have trained and coached students from kindergarten to tertiary education levels. Our teaching modules are recognized by our industry partner such as UiTM, UM, other STEM Robotic NGOs and has been taught in many schools.
Kami mereka bentuk dan menghasilkan modul pembelajaran STEM, robotik dan inovasi untuk semua peringkat umur. Matlamat kami adalah memastikan pendidikan robotik STEM mudah difahami dan boleh diambil oleh semua golongan keluarga.
Program ini menekankan pembelajaran melalui pengalaman sebenar, memupuk minat kanak-kanak terhadap teknologi. Kami telah melatih pelajar daripada tadika hingga ke peringkat pendidikan tinggi dan modul kami diiktiraf oleh rakan industri seperti UiTM, UM dan NGO robotik STEM lain.
To provide you with some context, here’s the initial perspective on our courses.