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Micro Concept Tech

STEM Education Kit

Robotic Kit


Our STEM Education Kits are engineered with precision and care, designed to meet your child’s unique learning needs. Whether it’s coding or robotics, our products deliver a hands-on experience to foster future-ready skills.

Why Choose Our STEM Education Kits?

Our STEM Robotics Kits focus on developing both technical and cognitive skills, offering a fun, interactive way to learn. Each kit provides hands-on activities that allow children to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world situations, bridging the gap between learning and play. This balanced approach makes our STEM Education kits perfect tools for nurturing creativity and problem-solving skills.


In addition to technical skills, our products help to build critical thinking, teamwork and leaderships abilities. As children work through thee challenges in our STEM kits, they gain valuable experience that will benefit them both inside and outside the classroom.


Discover how our STEM Education kits can support your child’s learning journey in robotics and coding. These kits offer the ideal platform to enhance problem-solving, analytical thinking, and creativity while preparing children for future careers in technology. 

Start their adventure today with STEMinMe’s educational kits and watch them thrive!

Don’t miss Out!

At STEMinMe, children will develop knowledge that aligns with essential technical skills for their future careers. Along the way, they’ll also enhance their cognitive abilities, including problem-solving, analytical thinking, creativity, leadership, and teamwork. these skills are crucial for success.

Explore More about Robotics, IOT and Coding in Education.

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5-5 Pusat Dagangan Shah Alam, Persiaran Damai, Seksyen 11 Shah Alam

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+601156679263 (Ir. Amir Hussein Bin Jaafar)

+601157549456 (Zulhailmy Bin Mohd Yatim)

© Micro Concept Tech – Engineering for life 2021

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